Saturday, 15 February 2014

Poor us (cough cough)

This week has mostly been spent coughing, taking my temperature repeatedly and singing the 'Poor Us' song with/at Baxter. 

Feel free to try at home; the lyrics are as follows

Poor us (cough cough)
Please make a fuss
Poor us (cough cough)
Can't get on the bus
Poor us (cough cough)
But we don't have puss
(..Repeat till fade until physically stopped by someone..)

After a lot of TLC from Josh it now looks like his immune system has finally been compromised because he has it too.  This is no good.  This never happens.  Both of us can't be ill.  With an ill one year old. Well, this IS a fine mess we've got ourselves into. Blargh.

So now I'm doing what I usually do when there is a crisis to be ignored.  I'm looking at the Cats in Crisis facebook page and staring longingly at the cute 'Cats in Crisis'. There is nothing perverted about this plus they don't actually look too desperate. Just a bit needy.  I'm more in crisis than they are.  I have a cold for god's sake. 

From Rachael in Crisis (maybe even the plural... crisises..a flock of crisis, crises) wotever. Cough.

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